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Of Contact - Transformations

Victor Pasmore's Points Of Contact - Transformations series, created between 1970 and 1971, features eight screenprints that delve into the dynamic interplay between geometric abstraction and transformation. These prints conceptually correspond with his Points Of Contact - Variations and Points Of Contact - Linear Developments series.

Victor Pasmore Points Of Contact - Transformations for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

Points Of Contact - Transformations by Victor Pasmore is a series that employs geometric forms and muted colours to explore the visual and conceptual possibilities of abstraction. Each print, from Transformation A to Transformation 7, demonstrates Pasmore’s ability to abstract natural transformations into geometric forms. These works reflect a sophisticated manipulation of shapes and colours that hint at organic processes, such as growth, decay, and metamorphosis, through a lens of abstraction.

This series is part of a broader thematic exploration that includes Points Of Contact - Variations and Points Of Contact - Linear Developments. While each series stands on its own, they collectively investigate the ways geometric forms can interact, overlap, and transform within a confined space, forming a vast metaphorical narrative about change, movement and perception.

This series exemplifies Pasmore's adeptness in screenprinting, showcasing his ability to manipulate colour and form to create depth and movement. The subtle shifts between each print reflects his architectural approach to composition, where every element purposefully placed to contribute to the feeling of movement which can be felt across the series.