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And Image

Victor Pasmore's Word And Image series, created in 1974, comprises seven intaglio prints that explore the interplay between textual and visual language. Through this series, Pasmore delves into philosophical questions, merging abstract visuals with contemplative text to invite the viewer to consider the relationships between word, image, and interpretation.

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Meaning & Analysis

The Word And Image series by Victor Pasmore is a distinctive exploration that merges text with graphic form to provoke thought on epistemological themes. The series serves as a medium for philosophical discourse, with each print in the series titled with a question or a statement that invites the viewer to ponder philosophical concepts such as perception, reality, and knowledge. For instance, By What Geometry Must We Construct The Physical World? and By What Means Can We Know? challenge the bases of human understanding.

Pasmore's integration of text within his visual compositions is integral to each artwork's meaning. The text guides the viewer through a visual and cognitive journey within each print. The textual elements are intertwined with bold geometric forms and dynamic compositions, which exemplify Pasmore's skill in abstraction and his innovative approach to printmaking.

The series stands out for its aesthetic simplicity combined with philosophical weight. The starkness of the restrained colour palette focuses the viewer's attention on the interplay of shapes and the embedded text, enhancing the impact of the philosophical inquiries posed. This minimalistic approach underscores Pasmore's ability to engage with complex ideas through restrained visual means.