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Of Contact - Variations

Victor Pasmore's Points of Contact - Variations series, created between 1971 and 1972, comprises eight screenprints that explore abstract compositions through form, line and muted colour. Each print, sequentially titled from Variations No. 1 to Variations No. 8, investigates the dynamic interactions between shape and space, marking a significant period in Pasmore's exploration of abstraction.

Victor Pasmore Points Of Contact - Variations for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

The Points of Contact - Variations series is a profound exploration of abstraction, reflecting Pasmore's engagement with form, colour, and compositional balance.

Pasmore employs organic, asymmetrical shapes which are layered and intersected to create complex visual narratives. Each print serves as a unique study of how these shapes can interact, overlap, and contrast to form new visual effects and suggest spatial depth.

The series is noted for its sophisticated use of colour. Pasmore carefully selects and applies colours to enhance the visual impact of each shape and to create illusions of movement and depth. The muted tones used in the series also emphasises the emotional resonance of the abstract forms, drawing viewers into a deeper contemplation of the artwork.

This series marks a pivotal moment in Pasmore's career as he moves further into abstraction, departing from more figurative earlier works. The Points of Contact - Variations series focuses on the synthesis of form and colour.