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Of Contact - Linear Developments

In the Points Of Contact - Linear Developments series, produced between 1970 and 1971, Victor Pasmore explores the rhythmic cadence of line and form through eight screenprints. This series exemplifies his abstract approach, focusing on the essence of linear dynamics to express movement within a static medium.

Victor Pasmore Points Of Contact - Linear Developments for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

Victor Pasmore's Points Of Contact - Linear Developments represents a pivotal exploration in his oeuvre, where the focus shifts towards the interaction between line, form and space to create visual narratives that transcend their simple geometric origins.

Each print in the series, from Linear Development A through to Linear Development 7, utilises a minimalist colour palette and defined lines to explore the visual impact of linear continuity and interruption. Pasmore employs these elements not just to define space but to suggest motion and progression within each composition.

Pasmore's placement of intertwined lines and geometric shapes across the series creates a visual rhythm. This rhythmic quality is enhanced by the repetition and variation of forms, which echo musical phrasing and thematic development in a visual context. The simplicity of the individual elements contrasts with the intricate relationships they form, embodying the boldness yet balance of his artistry.