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Image In Search Of Itself

Victor Pasmore's series, The Image In Search Of Itself, comprises sixteen screenprints, each titled Untitled I through to Untitled XVI. Created in 1971, these artworks continue Pasmore's exploration of abstraction, showcasing iterative compositions that abstract and rearrange irregular forms to explore form, nature and perception.

Victor Pasmore The Image In Search Of Itself for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

The Image In Search Of Itself is a testament to Pasmore's ongoing dialogue with the nature of image-making and the perceptual boundaries between the abstract and the representational.

The series employs a muted colour palette that shifts subtly across the sequence, using variations in tone to highlight changes in form. The textural quality of the screenprinting technique adds depth to the flat organic shapes, enhancing the visual impact and inviting a dynamic viewer engagement.

Pasmore was deeply interested in the conceptual underpinnings of visual art. This series serves as a philosophical inquiry into the essence of an image; what constitutes an image and how abstraction affects its recognisability and meaning. Each print challenges the viewer to reconsider their expectations of constitutes image and representation.