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Robert Motherwell’s Paris Suite, composed in 1980, is a series of four lithographs each representing a different season: Paris Suite I (Spring), Paris Suite II (Summer), Paris Suite III (Autumn), and Paris Suite IV (Winter). This series embodies Motherwell's deep connection with Paris, a city that greatly influenced his artistic development. Each piece uses a minimal yet expressive colour palette and abstract forms to evoke the mood and atmosphere of its respective season in Paris.

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Meaning & Analysis

Robert Motherwell’s Paris Suite captures the essence of Paris through the abstract language that characterises his broader body of work. Each lithograph in the series represents a season, using colour and form to convey the distinct feeling of time and place. Motherwell’s approach is dynamic, reflecting his emotional and intellectual responses to the city that played a pivotal role in the history of Modern art.

Paris Suite I (Spring) and Paris Suite II (Summer) feature brighter, more vibrant colours, suggesting the renewal and energy of these seasons. In contrast, Paris Suite III (Autumn) and Paris Suite IV (Winter) use deeper and more muted tones to evoke the introspective and quiet mood associated with the colder months. This thematic use of colour highlights Motherwell’s mastery in expressing complex concepts through minimalistic means.
Each print, while abstract, suggests landscapes or cityscapes through gestural lines and shapes, hinting at architectural forms, urban vistas, and the ephemeral qualities of light and weather. Motherwell’s Paris Suite not only captures the visual experience of Paris but also its emotional and poetic resonances, reflecting his ongoing engagement with the city as a source of artistic inspiration.