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Robert Motherwell’s Africa Suite, a series created in 1970, comprises ten lithograph prints that demonstrate his profound engagement with abstract expressionism. The series, comprising Africa 1 through to Africa 10, showcases Motherwell’s experimental approach to form, reflecting his thematic exploration of the African continent.

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Meaning & Analysis

Robert Motherwell’s Africa Suite represents a notable phase in his artistic career, marked by a deep exploration of Abstract Expressionism and minimalist composition. Each lithograph in the series employs a restricted colour palette, primarily black and ivory, which Motherwell manipulates to create a range of shapes that suggest both physical landscapes and emotional landscapes.

The simplicity of the colour scheme in the Africa Suite serves to highlight the expressive power of form. Each artwork in the series varies in expression and intensity, with some prints displaying a quiet simplicity, while others offer more complex interplays of forms and lines. This variation reflects Motherwell's view of Africa not as a diverse source of artistic inspiration.