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Banksy's Precision Bombing depicts five shady figures walking towards a sports car, threatened by a precision pointer. The series is implicitly an example of Banksy's criticism of government surveillance. The getaway car is on the brink of destruction, involving the viewer in an intense cinematic scene.

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Meaning & Analysis

Created in 2000, Banksy’s Precision Bombing is a spraypaint-based artwork on canvas depicting a group of five men in black suits, walking towards a white sports car. Positioned over the car is a green, circular sight, which indexes the looming presence of a firearm, or perhaps - as the title suggests - a bomb or rocket launcher. Only one of the five men look in the direction of the sight; the rest appear unaware that they are being targeted.

Precision Bombing was first exhibited at Banksy’s 2000 solo show, held at Severnshed in his hometown of Bristol.

Other variations of Precision Bombing feature grey or green striped backgrounds; prints featuring each colourway were released in editions of 10. There is also another unique version of the work featuring no coloured stripe background and a red sight; this work includes other details, such as the artwork’s title and Banksy’s name (written upside down), stencilled under both the men and the car.