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Is Where It’s Fuckin At

Harland Miller's This is Where It’s Fuckin At is part of his Penguin series, a body of works inspired by the publisher’s iconic dust jackets. The book’s tattered edges give the impression of having been well-read, while Miller's invented title affords the colloquial dialect of his Northern roots a parodic place in the literary canon.

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Meaning & Analysis

Part of his renowned Penguin series, This is where its Fuckin At (2012) captures Miller’s unique ability to combine ambiguity and sharp wit.

The work depicts, in keeping with the collection, a Penguin classic dust jacket, with a monochrome background of pale blue with hints of grey. This particular Miller print has an old feel to it, created through intentional smudges over the white band that runs across the print, on which the book’s title is printed. The tattered edges give the impression the book is from a second-hand shop, like those that Miller frequented on his travels around Europe and that originally inspired these works.

When Miller was living in Paris in 1992, he stumbled across a box of abandoned Penguin books and was instantly drawn to them, deciding to incorporate their visuals into his artistic practice. Miller started producing the Penguin series in 2001 and has continued creating these prints which have since defined his career and contributed significantly to his rise to fame.