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To The Hexagon

In 1969, Victor Vasarely created the Homage To The Hexagon series, showcasing a sequence of screenprints that delve into the visual possibilities of hexagonal forms. This body of work is a testament to Vasarely’s ability to transform a simple geometric shape into complex optical experiences, enhancing his profound influence on Op Art.

Victor Vasarely Homage To The Hexagon for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

Victor Vasarely’s Homage To The Hexagon series showcases exploration of geometric abstraction and its perceptual capabilities. Crafted in 1969, this series features screenprints where the hexagon is not just a recurring motif but a foundational element for complex visual explorations. Vasarely’s adept use of this six-sided shape allows him to manipulate perspective, create depth, and evoke a sense of movement.

The series includes prints including Hommage À L'Hexagone, Deuton JB, Ion 10, and MEH 1, each presenting a unique iteration of the hexagonal form. In Deuton JB, for example, Vasarely arranges multiple hexagons to form a larger tessellated pattern that appears to pulsate and expand beyond the confines of the canvas.

The precision of the screenprinting technique is central to this series, allowing for sharp, clear lines and the application of vibrant, unmodulated colours that are essential for the optical effects Vasarely intends. The consistency and uniformity of colour achieved through this medium are crucial for maintaining the visual integrity of the geometric forms.