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Victor Vasarely's Constellation series, created in 1967, features three silkscreen prints titled Capella I, Capella II, and Capella III. These artworks are emblematic of Vasarely's iconic style, characterised by contrasting colours, geometric shapes, and optical illusions. Through the medium of silkscreen, Vasarely explores themes of space, movement, and perception, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in a hypnotic visual experience.

Victor Vasarely Constellation for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

Victor Vasarely's Constellation series is a visual exploration of geometric abstraction and optical illusion. Created in 1967, these three silkscreen prints showcase Vasarely's mastery of form, colour, and composition.

In each artwork of the series, Vasarely employs a precise arrangement of intersecting geometric shapes, including squares and circles, to create dynamic visual compositions that appear to pulsate and shift. Through a careful manipulation of colour and form, Vasarely creates mesmerising optical effects that challenge the viewer's perception and spatial awareness.

The use of silkscreen printing techniques allows Vasarely to achieve crisp lines and vibrant colours, enhancing the optical impact of his compositions. The repetition of certain motifs, such as concentric circles or overlapping squares, creates a sense of rhythm and movement within the prints.

Vasarely's Constellation series is characterised by its meticulous attention to detail. Each print is a study in balance and harmony, as Vasarely explores the interplay between positive and negative space, light and shadow, and form and colour.