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Sir Terry Frost's Timberaine series comprises ten prints: Timberaine A through to Timberaine J. Created in 2000-01, the series was inspired by the dense patterns and vertical rhythms of tree trunks in a rainforest, and beautifully integrates the natural world with Frost's colourful abstraction. The term 'Timberaine' merges 'timber' and 'rainforest,' reflecting the artist’s vision of translating the essence of a wooded landscape into vibrant stripes and forms that mimic the organic lines of tree trunks.

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Meaning & Analysis

In the Timberaine series, Terry Frost explores the visual and thematic depth of forests by abstracting the forms of tree trunks into stylised, colourful stripes. Each print in the series employs a unique colour palette and composition, simulating the diverse visual stimuli one might encounter in a rainforest. The linear elements are vertically oriented, suggesting the towering nature of trees, while the varying thickness and colour of each line play with perceptions of depth and space, evoking the layered complexity of a forest.

Frost’s choice of colours, from earthy browns and greens to vivid blues and reds, enhances the visual impact of each print, creating a dynamic interplay between natural inspiration and abstraction. By arranging the colours in different sequences, Frost invites the viewer to experience the rhythmic arrangement of elements, mirroring the organic patterns of the forest.