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Sir Terry Frost's SS Portfolio features eight etchings adorned with delicate Chinese tissue, showcasing Frost's mastery of form, texture, and detail. Created in 2003, each print combines etching with the delicate Chine Collé process, showcasing Frost’s masterful balance between abstract and figurative elements, and reflecting his explorations of light, form, and space.

Sir Terry Frost SS Portfolio for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

The SS Portfolio by Terry Frost represents a sophisticated exploration of abstract forms through the medium of printmaking. Each artwork within the portfolio employs etching enhanced by Chine Collé, a technique that allows for the introduction of delicate textures and colours through the application of fine papers to the print. This method adds depth and subtlety to Frost's compositions, allowing for a more tactile and intimate presentation of his abstract motifs.

Ouzo And Black Olives and Laced Sun showcase Frost’s ability to evoke atmosphere through minimal yet expressive marks. The use of Chine Collé enriches the visual texture, giving each piece a unique identity that resonates with Frost’s broader artistic exploration of natural forms and rhythmic patterns.

In this series, Frost’s abstraction reaches a lyrical quality, where the titles of the works suggest a narrative or emotive underpinning, inviting viewers to engage with the interplay between the language used to title the prints and the minimal shapes and forms they depict.