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Spanning from 1952 to 1994, Pierre Soulages' Eau-Forte series epitomises his mastery of intaglio printmaking. Each artwork in this collection showcases Soulages' signature exploration of form through dark, textured shapes contrasting against flat neutral backgrounds.

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Meaning & Analysis

Pierre Soulages, renowned for his exploration of light and darkness, applied his distinctive approach to printmaking in the Eau-Forte series. Created over several decades, these intaglio prints are characterised by Soulages' use of irregular, textured forms, resulting in expressive compositions.

The series is named after the etching technique itself ('eau-forte' translates to 'etching' in English), emphasising Soulages' direct engagement with the medium's qualities. Each print features abstract, gestural marks that evoke a sense of movement and depth.

Soulages' choice of dark, muted tones against light backgrounds enhances the contrast and drama within each composition. This underscores his exploration of visual perception and the play of light and texture on surfaces.

The Eau-Forte prints demonstrate Soulages' dynamic experimentation with form and technique. His meticulous manipulation of the intaglio process allows for a tactile quality that invites viewers to engage with the physicality of the prints.