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And Child

Henry Moore's Mother and Child (1983) print portfolio is a tender and timeless exploration of the maternal bond. Through thirty etching and aquatint prints, Moore captures the universal emotions of love, protection, and nurturing between a mother and her child.

Henry Moore Mother And Child for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

Henry Moore's Mother and Child print portfolio, released in 1983, is a captivating collection of 30 intaglio prints that celebrate the profound and timeless bond between a mother and her child. Throughout his oeuvre, in both sculptural, drawn and printed works, the bond between mother and child is a frequent theme in Henry Moore's work.

Choosing often to depict the tender and nurturing relationship between the two, Moore's predisposition to fluid and organic forms is perfectly suited to capture the symbiosis between a mother and child, expressive of the universal emotions of love, protection, and connection that exist in a parental bond. Owing to the universality and poignancy of this theme, Moore's works featuring mothers and children often prove among his most popular; in 2022, for example, a rare sculpture on the theme surpassed its £30,000-£50,000 pre-sale estimate to sell for an astounding £400,000. Offered at Dreweatts Modern and Contemporary Art auction, the sculpture's impressive sale can be attributed to both its rare material (the sculptor only worked in lead for a short period) and to its popular theme: maternity.

It is explicable, then, given the popularity of the theme throughout his career, that Moore chose to produce this comprehensive Mother And Child portfolio towards the end of his career, in 1983 - just three years before his death. Each artwork in the portfolio showcases Moore's mastery in capturing the essence of the maternal bond, stylistically drawing on his sculptural forms to convey an organic sense of tenderness and intimacy. The etchings echo Moore's sculptures, with their smooth curves and organic shapes, which evoke a sense of comfort and security. Nevertheless, the etchings possess their own unique quality, providing, in the sketchiness of some, a more intimate and gestural representation. Moore's ability to capture the emotional nuances of this relationship creates a poignant and relatable experience for viewers.

Moore's Mother and Child portfolio remains artistically significant thanks to its transcendence of cultural and temporal boundaries, resonating with audiences from different backgrounds and generations. It serves as a testament to the enduring and universal nature of the maternal bond, reminding us of the fundamental importance of love and care in our lives, as well as to Moore's mastery of human form and emotion. The Mother And Child portfolio is a powerful example of art's ability to evoke emotions, celebrate human connections, and remind us of the transformative power of love.