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Nurturing Futures with W.O.R.K. in Kenya

Erin-Atlanta Argun
written by Erin-Atlanta Argun,
Last updated20 Feb 2024
Inspirational Stories from Women & Orphans in Rural Kenya
A photograph showing a group of W.O.R.K.’s ‘Ex’ OrphansA group of W.O.R.K.’s ‘Ex’ Orphans – these young people, who were all orphans or homeless, have completed School and College and are now working in a variety of fields: Nursing / Health, Teaching, Artisan (carpentry, masonry, electrics etc)
Joe Syer

Joe Syer, Co-Founder &

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Since its inception in 2006, Women & Orphans in Rural Kenya (W.O.R.K.) has endeavoured to make a significant impact in the rural regions of Kenya. Founded by Mary-jane Butler, who has been honoured with an MBE for her services to this charitable cause, W.O.R.K. is dedicated to empowering women, supporting orphaned children, and fostering empowered communities. The organisation’s approach champions sustainable development with a deep commitment to community well-being and development. Over the past 18 years, W.O.R.K. has not only grown in scope but also in its ability to effect real and lasting change in the lives of those it serves.

MyArtBroker are honoured to be supporting W.O.R.K. as part of our Giving Back initiative.

Founded by Butler after spending the previous 10 years of her life in Kenya, managing health clinics and regional hospitals, W.O.R.K. is dedicated to making a profound difference in the lives of those in rural Kenyan communities. Since then, W.O.R.K.’s initiatives have positively impacted thousands of women and orphaned children, touching every aspect of community life. The charity’s focus areas are multifaceted, addressing crucial needs such as education, health care, economic empowerment, and sustainable agriculture. By investing in these key sectors, W.O.R.K. has not only provided immediate assistance but also laid the ground for long-term, sustainable development. The benefits of their works extend far beyond immediate aid, fostering resilience and self-sufficiency among the communities they serve.

The success stories of this phenomenal charity are woven throughout the article, their captions describing the individual’s journey and how W.O.R.K. has helped them.

The Genesis of W.O.R.K.

In 2006, Butler - a nurse by profession - began a journey that would lead to the creation of Women & Orphans in Rural Kenya (W.O.R.K.). Driven by a desire to make a meaningful difference, Butler initially went to Kenya to run a small outreach program. Her experiences during this time were profound, revealing the difficult realities faced by the most vulnerable in rural communities. It was during her tenure running a mission hospital for four years - which has since been awarded for being the most improved in the country - that the seeds of W.O.R.K. were sewn.

“I was asked to run a mission hospital for four years, which went on to win an award for the most improved hospital in the country. With sheer hard work and good local people, we got it up and running.”
Mary-jane Butler


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Butler’s interaction with elderly women and young girls who were, and still are, disproportionately affected by the HIV/AIDS crisis, highlighted a critical need for support and care. This was a community where the middle generation (25-40-year-olds) was virtually wiped out by the disease, leaving a greatly detrimental gap in family structures and communities at large. Elderly women, often struggling themselves, were left to care for their grandchildren, while young girls barely in their teens were thrust into the role of caregivers for their younger siblings.

Adrian Toffolo, a key figure in W.O.R.K., explains that it was these encounters that truly spurred the formation of the charity as it is known today. The plight of these widows and orphans in need of support, education, and hope for the future became the cornerstone of W.O.R.K.’s mission. Toffolo notes, “The real impetus to start this organisation was to meet the needs of these widows and, especially, the orphans who lacked opportunities beyond primary schooling - if they even had this.” Since then, W.O.R.K. has been dedicated to empowering the most vulnerable members of communities in Busia and Bungoma in Western Kenya.

One of our groups of Widows. There are 15 Widows in this group and in total they have over 100 grandchildren they look after.  They have a ‘Table Bank’ to use as their own private bank; they take loans from this to help maintain their loves, start small income generation projects and feed their grandchildren. Each Widow has a cow which provides income from calves and milk. WORK also bought them an acre of land which they farm as a Co-operative. They are completely sustainable now.One of our groups of Widows. There are 15 Widows in this group and in total they have over 100 grandchildren they look after. They have a ‘Table Bank’ to use as their own private bank; they take loans from this to help maintain their loves, start small income generation projects and feed their grandchildren. Each Widow has a cow which provides income from calves and milk. WORK also bought them an acre of land which they farm as a Co-operative. They are completely sustainable now.

Daily Impact and Focus

Every day, W.O.R.K. is actively involved in the lives of women and orphans, aiding communities to make significant and long-lasting change. The organisation's efforts are expansive, ranging from education sponsorships to economic empowerment initiatives. Each year, W.O.R.K. takes on the responsibility of guiding 120 children through primary, secondary, tertiary and college education.

For many of these children, W.O.R.K.’s intervention is a lifeline. The organisation ensures that children are reintegrated into family settings wherever possible, and also provides safe hostels for girls during school holidays - a time when they are most vulnerable.

“The whole philosophy of W.O.R.K. is about sustainability: you educate an orphan, give them the opportunity to have a career and sustain their lives as a family.”
Adrian Toffolo

The empowerment of widows is another critical focus. W.O.R.K. assists them in forming community-based groups and provides table banking initiatives. These groups will receive a lump sum of money, creating a microfinance system where members can borrow and lend money within the group. This approach not only provides immediate financial assistance, but also fosters a sense of community and mutual support.

As Toffolo highlights, sustainability is at the core of W.O.R.K.’s philosophy. By educating an orphan or helping a widow to start a small business, W.O.R.K. is investing in the long-term self-sufficiency of individuals and the community at large.

Addressing Unique Challenges Faced by Women and Girls

Women and girls in rural Kenya face a myriad of challenges, many of which are deeply rooted in in patriarchal societal norms. W.O.R.K. has been acutely aware of these challenges and developed targeted initiatives to address them. One of the most significant issues is the lack of period care, which has far-reaching implications on the education and well-being of all women and girls in the community. Butler noticed that girls were consistently missing weeks of school and falling behind academically due to a lack of period products. To combat this, W.O.R.K. employed the services of a local worker and his employees to manufacture reusable, washable sanitary pads. This initiative not only keeps girls in school, but has also led to the support and growth of a local small business.

“It is so much harder for women and girls, even when it comes to period care. Girls’ marks were dropping constantly and they were missing weeks of school every month, and we eventually realised it was because there was no period care. We now have a local team who make reusable, washable sanitary pads - which not only keeps the girls in school, but has also created another small local business.”
Mary-jane Butler

The experiences of pregnant women in these communities is also often marked by hardship. Many pregnant women will be transported to the health centre on the back of a motorbike during labour, often with a group of around eight men to protect them from assault during the journey. W.O.R.K. is addressing this by working with a hospital in Maidenhead to secure an ambulance for the community, ensuring the safe transportation of pregnant women to the health centre. In addition to this, the charity has also trained 40 birth attendants in basic first aid and antenatal care, providing them with the skills to monitor, assist, and impart their training on pregnant women in the community.

Addressing the cycle of poverty and exploitation is at the crux of the charity’s work with women and girls. Tragically, Butler comments that most girls and women in the community are raped at some point in their lives. Many are also coerced into sex work as a means of survival, leading to unwanted pregnancies and perpetuating a cycle of poverty and hardship. W.O.R.K.’s response has been multifaceted: including providing free contraception and educating young men and boys in school. These efforts are slow and challenging according to Butler and Toffolo, but are essential for driving long-term change.

Sustaining Education and Vocational Training

Education is at the heart of W.O.R.K.’s strategy for transforming communities. For a donation of £35 per month, a child can be su[ported throughout school and college, ensuring they receive not just basic education but also the opportunity to pursue higher studies or vocational training. The support of donations is critical, as W.O.R.K. will only take on children they can commit to supporting throughout their educational journey and young adult lives.

The importance of vocational training is equally pronounced by Butler, who champions its importance for children who might not be academically inclined. W.O.R.K. recognises that diverse skill sets can lead to sustainable futures, and therefore provide funding for vocational courses such as tailoring, mechanics, and electrician training. This ensures that every child has the chance to build a sustainable and independent future, leading to further growth and development in the wider community.

Success Stories

Over the years, W.O.R.K.’s efforts have transformed the lives of many orphaned children, and led them to success in adulthood. Many of the orphaned children put through schooling by W.O.R.K. return to the organisation as adults, helping to further their cause and improve their community. One particularly moving story is of two brothers who faced an unimaginable tragedy when their family was targeted by relatives seeking to claim their land. The older brother, now a mechanical engineer, and the younger, specialising in solar electricity, are living testaments to the power of education and support.

Butler also recounts the journey of a woman who faced a harrowing assault, resulting in pregnancy. The challenge was not only in dealing with the trauma but also in ensuring her continued education. With WORK's intervention, she was able to stay in school, eventually obtaining a diploma in management and securing a job in local government.

These stories are a mere glimpse into the multitude of lives transformed by W.O.R.K. They underscore the organisation's commitment to not only providing immediate assistance but also fostering long-term development. Each success story demonstrates that, with the right support and opportunities, individuals can empower themselves and their communities to illicit truly positive change.

The Future of W.O.R.K.

Looking towards 2024 and beyond, W.O.R.K. is focused on expanding its reach and deepening its impact. A major goal over the next few years is the expansion of the organisation’s health centre, which currently contains around 55 beds but faces challenges of overcrowding. The charity own additional land adjacent to the current facility, and are committed to an expansion for the much-needed space to accommodate more patients and provide better care.

Alongside securing the ambulance from Maidenhead, the construction of new girls’ dormitories is another critical project for the safety of women and girls. These facilities offer young women and girls secure environments to live and study. This is yet another critical initiative, ensuring that these young women have equal opportunities to pursue their education without fear of harassment or assault.

Make a Donation to W.O.R.K.

The remarkable charity stands as a shining example of how dedicated efforts can bring about substantial change in the lives of the most vulnerable. Over the years, the organisation has transformed and saved countless lives. With a focus on education, healthcare, and economic empowerment, W.O.R.K. has created a foundation for sustainable development in these rural Kenyan communities.

As W.O.R.K. continues to evolve, its vision for the future remains anchored in the belief that every child deserves a right to equal opportunity. The success stories of the organisation piece together a narrative of empowerment, resilience, and hope. I encourage you to explore their work further and consider supporting their ongoing projects, as every contribution - no matter the size - plays a crucial role in their mission to uplift and transform communities.

Joe Syer

Joe Syer, Co-Founder &

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