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Etchings II

Wayne Thiebaud’s Recent Etchings II series, created in 1979, showcases his continued exploration into everyday subjects with a deep appreciation for their textural and visual qualities. This series includes artworks such as Boxed Balls, Cherry Cakes, Diagonal Ridge, Down Mariposa, Palm Ridge, and Six Italian Desserts. Each etching captures the characteristic precision and vibrant colour play that Thiebaud is renowned for his artistic interest in everyday items and landscapes.

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Meaning & Analysis

Recent Etchings II by Wayne Thiebaud expands on the themes and techniques of its predecessor, showcasing the artist's refined approach to the medium of etching. Thiebaud’s skill in rendering textures and shadows brings a lifelike quality to static images, turning simple scenes and objects into captivating subjects. For instance, Cherry Cakes depicts the glossy surface of iced cakes with almost tangible richness, while Boxed Balls plays with the visual impact of geometric repetition and colour contrasts.

The landscapes and urban scenes, such as Diagonal Ridge and Down Mariposa, reflect Thiebaud's interest in the interplay of light and perspective, capturing the unique topography and atmosphere of each setting. Palm Ridge combines organic and structured elements, showcasing Thiebaud’s ability to blend natural and architectural motifs seamlessly. Meanwhile, Six Italian Desserts offers a delightful visual feast that echoes Thiebaud’s iconic depictions of confectionary items, emphasising abundance and indulgence.