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Created in 2022, Peter Doig’s Zermatt D1 series showcases a collection of six giclée prints depicting skiers navigating the snowy, rugged terrain of Zermatt, Switzerland. This series exemplifies Doig’s delicate blend of figuration and abstraction, capturing the essence of the alpine landscape with his characteristic painterly style.

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Meaning & Analysis

Peter Doig’s Zermatt D1 series is a compelling exploration of the Alpine landscape, where the artist combines his distinctive painterly techniques with the precision of giclée printing. The series consists of six prints, each portraying skiers amidst the majestic landscapes of Zermatt, Switzerland. These prints evoke the emotional and physical experiences associated with skiing in such an environment.

Doig, known for his ability to merge reality with dream-like imagery, uses a muted yet evocative palette to capture the snow-covered scenes. The prints exhibit a dynamic interplay of light and shadow, enhancing the sense of movement. The skiers, often depicted in vibrant colours against the subdued backdrop, serve as focal points that guide the viewer’s eye through the compositions.

In Zermatt D1-1, the skier's forest green attire starkly contrasts with the surrounding bright snow-covered landscape, emphasising their isolation and the enormity of the natural world. Similarly, Zermatt D1-3 portrays a skier in a triumphant pose, suggesting an emotional moment of personal victory. Each print in the series encapsulates a narrative, inviting the viewer to ponder the skiers' journey and their interaction with the landscape.

The series reflects Doig’s continued fascination with landscapes and his ability to infuse them with a dynamic narrative. His use of giclée printing allows for an acute level of detail and colour fidelity, making each print a vibrant testament to his artistic vision.