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In 1970, Cy Twombly created the Roman Notes series, comprised of six lithographs that reflect his deep engagement with the city of Rome. These prints capture the ephemeral quality of Twombly's larger body of work, blending scribbled lines and textual elements with soft, washed hues to evoke Rome’s historic texture and classical culture.

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Meaning & Analysis

Cy Twombly's Roman Notes lithographs are a testament to the artist's deep engagement with the cultural heritage of ancient Rome. Created in 1970, these artworks exemplify Twombly's signature style characterised by gestural marks, scribbles, and textual elements.

Twombly's interest in classical mythology and history permeates each print in the series. Through his use of fragmented lines and evocative gestures, Twombly invokes the enduring spirit of ancient civilisations, inviting viewers to contemplate the enduring relevance of these cultural legacies. Drawing inspiration from sources such as ancient poetry and historical texts, Twombly imbues his lithographs with layers of symbolism. The series serves as a visual dialogue with the past.

In Roman Notes I to Roman Notes VI, Twombly's use of lithography adds texture to his compositions, enhancing the expressive quality of his mark-making. Each artwork in the series invites viewers to immerse themselves in Twombly's abstracted world, where history and myth converge in a poetic exploration of human experience.