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Anish Kapoor’s Shadow III series, created in 2009, comprises nine etchings that explore the interplay of light, colour and perception. This series continues Kapoor's investigation into the themes of the void and the materiality of pigment, presenting a mesmerising visual experience through meticulously gradated tones.

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Meaning & Analysis

Shadow III by Anish Kapoor represents a continuation and expansion of his exploration into the themes of light, shadow, and colour, pivotal to his artistic oeuvre. This series, produced in 2009, utilises colour etching to achieve deep, vibrant hues that gradually transition towards a luminous centre.

In close correspondence with Shadow II, Kapoor's use of colour in Shadow III manipulates the viewers' perceptions of depth and space. The prints feature colour that fades towards a central horizontal panel of light, creating a sense of depth and drawing the viewer's eye inward. The vibrant, saturated colours in shades of blue, green, yellow, and red echo the intense pigments used in his sculptural works, further bridging his two-dimensional and three-dimensional practices.

Each print in Shadow III is a testament to Kapoor’s sensitive use of form and colour to create an immersive visual experience. The subtle gradations of light and colour destabilise our perception and invite a meditative contemplation of the void, a recurring motif in Kapoor's work.

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